题目:刑法和可持续发展(Criminal Law and Sustainable Development)
腾讯会议ID:263 989 790
Kimmo Nuotio(前芬兰赫尔辛基大学法学院院长、法学教授)
江 溯(雷火电竞官网在线副教授)
江 溯(雷火电竞官网在线副教授)
Kimmo Nuotio 教授目前为战略研究委员会主席(任期 2019-2021)。他曾任赫尔辛基大学法学院院长和欧洲大学研究所法律系让·莫奈研究员。Nuotio 教授曾主管芬兰教育部和芬兰科学院资助的全国法律博士项目,曾担任芬兰艺术大学的董事会成员、亚历山大学院的董事会主席、多伦多大学和鲁汶大学的访问教授。
Kimmo Nuotio is professor of criminal law. He is chairing the Strategic Research Council (2019-2021). Nuotio is former Jean Monnet Fellow of the European University Institute, Department of Law (2000-2001). He was the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Helsinki in 2010-2017. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Toronto and the KU Leuven. Nuotio was the director of the nation-wide doctoral programme in Law, funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Academy of Finland, under the title "Law in a Changing World" (2007-2015), and Member of Board of the University of Arts (2015 - 2017). He was the chair of board of Alexander Institute (2014-2018).
His central research topics include: Theoretical Foundations of Penal Liability, Modernization of Criminal Law, Nordic, European, and International Criminal Law, Transnationalization of Criminal Law, European Legal Integration, Risk Society / Welfare State / Security, Political Philosophy and Law, Criminal Law and Cultural Diversity.
His central research topics include: Theoretical Foundations of Penal Liability, Modernization of Criminal Law, Nordic, European, and International Criminal Law, Transnationalization of Criminal Law, European Legal Integration, Risk Society / Welfare State / Security, Political Philosophy and Law, Criminal Law and Cultural Diversity.
The notions of criminal law and sustainable development have not very often been linked to each other. I my talk I will discuss how we could think about this relationship. We will discuss some examples such as environmental criminal law and corporate criminal liability from this point of view. According to the traditional European view, criminal law should not be measured against purely instrumental values, as means to an end, since a state- or society-oriented view on criminal justice would risk the capability of criminal law to stand for individual freedoms and liberties. But still, it is fair to ask about how criminal law could best be used to support societal development. Does the notion of sustainability add anything new, actually? Could people be enlightened and educated by means of criminal law? On what terms could this be successfully achieved? What are the reasonable expectations in relation to what criminal law and criminal justice can deliver in terms of sustainability and sustainable development? We will also discuss the role of criminal law as regards reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals.