Conflicts of Interest and Disclosure in Commercial Arbitration
Conflicts of Interest and Disclosure in Commercial Arbitration
腾讯会议ID:758 139 350
Thomas J. Stipanowich(美国佩伯代因大学 William H. Webster 讲席法学教授、施特劳斯争议解决学院教授)
Thomas J. Stipanowich(美国佩伯代因大学 William H. Webster 讲席法学教授、施特劳斯争议解决学院教授)
Thomas J. Stipanowich 教授在加入佩伯代因大学之前,曾任位于纽约的冲突预防与解决学院(CPR)的总裁兼首席执行官, 该机构为解决商业争议提供新视野、新方法。在他的领导下, 该机构扩展了在欧盟和中国的业务, 包括与中国贸促会联合成立了中美商事调解中心,召开了首届欧洲商事调解大会。2008 年,他获得了“阿勒姆伯特-瑞文奖”(美国律师协会争议解决部给予该领域做出杰出贡献人士的荣誉)。2016 年,他获得了冲突预防与解决学院的“詹姆斯·亨利奖”(该奖项用于表彰“在解决争议领域做出卓越贡献的个人”)。他的论著超过五十部,包括被美国最高法院和许多其他联邦和州法院援引的五卷本《联邦仲裁法:联邦仲裁法上的协议、裁决和补救措施》。他是跨国仲裁研究所学术顾问组成员和美国法律研究院《美国国际仲裁法重述》顾问组成员,还领导争议解决混合模式国际工作小组,探索仲裁和以解决为导向的调解之间的互动。
Thomas J. Stipanowich holds the William H. Webster Chair in Dispute Resolution, he is a Professor of Law at Pepperdine University School of Law and a professor of the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, which has been ranked first in thirteen of the last fourteen years in the U.S. News & World Report rankings. Before coming to Pepperdine, he was President and CEO of the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR Institute), a New York City-based nonprofit think tank that developed new insights and tools for managing and resolving business disputes. Under his leadership the institute co-sponsored the China/U.S. Business Mediation Center with the China Council for Promotion of International Trade and conducted the first European Business Mediation Congress. Prior to leading CPR he was a practicing litigator with a leading firm specializing in construction law and, later, a chaired professor of law. He is the recipient of the D’Alemberte-Raven Award(2008) for outstanding contributions and CPR’s James F. Henry Award (2016), a member of the Academic Counsel of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration and the Advisory Board of the ALI’s Restatement of American Law of International Arbitration, and the author of more than fifty books and articles, including the prize-winning five-volume Federal Arbitration Law: Agreements, Awards & Remedies Under the Federal Arbitration Act. His work has been cited by the U.S. Supreme Court and many other courts. He also helps lead the International Task Force on Mixed Mode Dispute Resolution, exploring situations in which there is interplay between arbitration.
As arbitration has assumed increasing importance in the world of business, more and more attention is being given to arbitrator conflicts of interest and related legal, practical and ethical issues. There is continuous discussion and debate about the roles that arbitrators are expected to play, the scope of disclosures that arbitrators are required to make, the grounds for administrative disqualification of arbitrators, and for annulment of awards where arbitrators do not disclose conflicts of interest. Using realistic problems, we will examine the application of key standards, including the New York Convention, the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Arbitration, the UNCITRAL Model Rules, the IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest. We will also explore different perspectives on the role of arbitrators and the effect of culture and legal tradition, and consider the personal considerations for an international arbitrator confronted with a challenge.