题目:流行病与国际法 (Epidemics and International Law)
腾讯会议ID:116 370 626
Shinya Murase (村濑信也)
村濑信也是东京上智大学荣休法学教授。他拥有东京国际基督教大学学士学位和东京大学法律科学博士学位。他于 1974 至 1976 年任哈佛大学法学院访问学者和研究员,1995年任哥伦比亚大学法学院客座教授。他于 1998 至2004年担任亚洲开发银行行政审判庭法官,2009 年至今任联合国国际法委员会委员,2013 年至今任大气保护专题特别报告员。此外他还兼任常设仲裁法院和国际法研究院的成员。他的主要著作有《国际法问题:跨界整合的视角》(英文)和《国际立法:国际法的渊源》(日文,中文译本已由中国人民公安大学出版社出版)。
Shinya Murase is Professor Emeritus of Jochi (Sophia) University in Tokyo, and currently Visiting Professor at Peking University. He obtained B.A. from International Christian University, Tokyo and S.J.D. from the University of Tokyo. He was Visiting Scholar/Research Fellow at Harvard Law School from 1974 to 1976, and Visiting Professor at Columbia Law School in 1995. He served as Judge of the Administrative Tribunal of the Asian Development Bank from 1998 to 2004. He is a Member of the UN International Law Commission (ILC) since 2009 and its Special Rapporteur for the topic on the Protection of the Atmosphere since 2013. He is also Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) and of the Institute of International Law. His major publications include: International Law: An Integrative Perspective on Transboundary Issues (Sophia University Press, 2011, in English) and International Lawmaking: Sources of International Law (Toshindo, 2002, in Japanese). The latter has been translated into Chinese and published by the Chinese People’s University for Public Safety Press.
持续至今的新冠肺炎疫情让村濑教授认识到,国际社会可能有必要制定新的条约。2020年3月,村濑教授向联合国国际法委员会提议制定一套关于流行病和国际法的条款草案,但未获回复。他随后向薛捍勤法官现任主席的国际法研究院(Institut de Droit International,IDI)提出了同样的建议,该研究院很快就该问题成立了第12届委员会,并任命村濑教授为报告员。国际法研究院北京会议于2021年8月22日至9月3日在线上举行,审议并通过了村濑教授提出的关于流行病和国际法的决议草案。本讲座将重点介绍村濑教授为国际法研究院提交的《传染病与国际法》报告以及国际法研究院对这一主题的决议。
The question of epidemics has never been considered as a subject of the mainstream international law in spite of the fact that epidemics have claimed more death tolls than the victims of wars. In only the past twenty years of this century, the world has witnessed the outbreaks of SARS (2002-2004), Dengue (2005-2006), Ebola (2007-present), H1N1 Influenza (2009), MERS (2012), Zika (2016) and now COVID-19 (2019-present), just to name a few. COVID-19 has claimed more than 4.38 million deaths in the world over.
It seems that a new treaty making is necessary. I proposed to the UN International Law Commission (ILC) in March 2020 that ILC should elaborate a set of draft articles on Epidemics and International Law, but the ILC was not enthusiastic, by which I withdrew my proposal. Instead, I made the same proposal to the Institute of International Law (Institut de Droit International, IDI) under the current presidency of Judge Xue Hanqin, which quickly established the 12th Commission on the subject, appointing myself as Rapporteur. The IDI’s Beijing Conference was held on 22 August through 3 September 2021, online, and adopted the draft articles on Epidemics and International Law. The present lecture will focus on the IDI’s resolution on the subject.