全球教席“云课堂” 26-28 讲
26 讲
题目:中国崛起与国际法的未来:国际关系理论的启示 (The Future of International Law in the Era of China's Rise: Lessons from International Relations Theory)
时间:2021 年 5 月 25 日(周二)20:00-22:00
腾讯会议 ID:162 906 282
27 讲
题目:拜登政府时期中美关系间的法律问题 (Legal Issues in U.S.-China Relations under the Biden Administration)
时间:2021 年 5 月 27 日(周四)20:00-22:00
腾讯会议 ID:556 173 454
28 讲
题目:“一个中国”政策与今日的美台关系 (The One-China Policy and U.S.-Taiwan Relations Today)
时间:2021 年 6 月 3 日(周四)20:00-22:00
腾讯会议 ID:746 723 100
Jacques deLisle(美国宾夕法尼亚大学Stephen A. Cozen 法学讲席教授、政治学教授、东亚研究中心主任、当代中国研究中心主任、亚洲法律研究中心联合主任)
28 讲

Jacques deLisle 教授的学术作品曾发表在《当代中国》《Orbis》《亚洲政策》及其它外交事务和区域研究的期刊、法律评论、跨学科专著和媒体。他的研究聚焦于中国参与国际法律和政治秩序的构建、中国国内的法律改革和法治问题以及中美关系。他参与合编的著作有《致富光荣》《中国的全球角色》《新媒体、互联网和不断变化的中国》《中国的挑战》等。他曾多次受聘作为中国法专家证人,为美国政府、各类非政府组织提供有关中国法律和司法改革的咨询。他还曾任前大法官 Stephen Breyer 的法官助理和美国司法部法律咨询办公室律师顾问。
Jacques deLisle is the Stephen A. Cozen Professor of Law, professor of political science, director of the Center for East Asian Studies, director of the Center for the Study of Contemporary China, co-director of the Center for Asian Law at the University of Pennsylvania, and director of the Asia Program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. His writing, which has appeared in Journal of Contemporary China, Orbis, Asia Policy, and other foreign affairs and areas studies journals, law reviews, edited volumes of interdisciplinary scholarship, and other media, focuses on China's engagement with the international legal and political orders, domestic legal reform and rule-of-law issues in China, and U.S.-China relations. He is co-editor of To Get Rich Is Glorious, China's Global Engagement, New Media, the Internet and a Changing China, and China's Challenges. He frequently serves as an expert witness on Chinese law, and has been a consultant to U.S. government, Chinese, and international NGO projects relating to law and legal reform in China. He was a law clerk to then-Judge Stephen Breyer, and an attorney-adviser in the Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice.
The Future of International Law in the Era of China's Rise: Lessons from International Relations Theory
Major theories of international relations—Realism, Interdependence, Institutionalism, Constructivism, and theories that attribute international behavior to a state's internal characteristics—imply different predictions about what China's rise (and the U.S.'s relative decline) means for international law and the existing international legal order. This lecture will explore and evaluate these issues. It will do so by considering what each of the major theories of international relations predicts, and how plausible those predictions are, in light of the evidence we have.
Legal Issues in U.S.-China Relations under the Biden Administration
The Biden administration's approach to relations with China departs in some important ways from the Trump administration's approach. But the Biden administration is not returning fully to the approach of the Obama administration, or its predecessors. This lecture will address the principal legal issues in U.S.-China relations during the Biden administration, and the ways in which the U.S.'s approach is similar to, and different from, patterns of earlier periods. Issues to be addressed include trade and investment, international legal and law-related institutions, territorial and maritime disputes, and the role of international legal norms in addressing questions of internal governance.
28 讲:
The One-China Policy and U.S.-Taiwan Relations Today
For decades, U.S. policy toward Taiwan and cross-Strait issues has been based on a "One China" policy, the U.S.'s Taiwan Relations Act and the three U.S.-China Joint Communiqués. During the last several years, the U.S. Congress has passed much legislation that seeks to strengthen U.S. support for Taiwan. President Biden has declared U.S. support for Taiwan to be "rock solid." And some U.S. policy analysts have called for the U.S. to change its policy of "strategic ambiguity" to a policy of "strategic clarity." Do these and other developments indicate fundamental change in the U.S.'s One-China Policy? What are the underlying assumptions about—and implications for—international law?
