Tax Avoidance: Conceptual Difficulties
时间:2020 年 10 月 12 日(周一)19:30-21:30
腾讯会议 ID:853 505 719
OECD Pillar 1 Proposals
时间:2020 年 10 月 13 日(周二)19:30-21:30
腾讯会议 ID:666 197 590
OECD Pillar 2 Proposals
时间:2020 年 10 月 15 日(周四)19:30-21:30
腾讯会议 ID:263 318 146
Taxation of the Financial Industry
时间:2020 年 10 月 16 日(周五)19:30-21:30
腾讯会议 ID:901 937 825
Henk Vording
Henk Vording 于 2006 年至今任莱顿大学法学院税法教授,也是该学院的前副院长。他先后曾任美国加州大学黑斯廷斯法学院客座教授和雷火电竞官网在线客座教授。同时,他还是欧洲税法教授协会学术委员会委员、荷兰税务研究协会董事会成员,及荷兰税务改革委员会前委员。他于莱顿大学获历史学硕士、法学博士学位,1986 年任莱顿大学法学院经助理教授,2004 年任莱顿大学法学院税法与经济学副教授。他开设的课程包括税法导论,税收哲学理论,欧洲税收政策。他的研究领域包括欧洲与国际税法与政策(重点为公司所得税)、税法及其制度的历史发展、税收和再分配的哲学基础。他新近的学术成果包括《荷兰何以成为跨国企业的避税天堂》(2019),《2020年荷兰税收政策说明》(2019)等。
Henk Vording has been Professor of Tax Law at Leiden University Law School since 2006 and he is former Vice-Dean of Leiden University law School. He is visiting professor at Hastings College of Law, San Francisco and Peking University Law School. Also, he’s a member of Academic Committee of the European Association of Tax Law Professors, a member of Board of the Dutch Association for the Study of Taxation as well as former member of Dutch tax reform committee. He held his MA in History and PhD in Law at Leiden University. He worked as an assistant professor in Economics at Leiden University Law School in 1986 and became an Associate Professor in Tax Law and Economics at Leiden University Law School in 2004. The courses he taught include Introduction to Tax Law, Philosophical Theories of Taxation, European Tax Policy. His research themes include European and international tax law and policy (with a focus on corporation income tax), historical development of tax law and systems, and philosophical foundations of taxation and redistribution. His recent publications include: How The Netherlands Became a Tax Haven for Multinationals (2019), and Fiscale Beleidsnotities 2020 (2019).
In the digital age, tax jurisdictions are facing new challenges as to combat tax avoidance and safeguard their tax revenues. This series of lectures, which is constituted of four topics, will first discuss how to clarity the conception of tax avoidance. Then the lectures will focus on Pillar 1 proposal and Pillar 2 proposal of the OECD respectively. Pillar 1 proposal aims to target the tax problems brought about by the new business models of Big Tech firms. Pillar 2 proposal extends the “if you don’t tax it, I will” approach from specific cases of avoidance to all cross-border taxation. Finally, the lecture will take the taxation of banks as an example to discuss what is the best mix of regulations and taxes.
