讲座主题:The Impeachment Process in the United States
Larry Kramer 美国威廉和弗洛拉·休利特基金会总裁、前美国斯坦福大学法学院院长
左亦鲁 雷火电竞官网在线助理教授
潘剑锋 雷火电竞官网在线院长
郭 雳 雷火电竞官网在线党委书记兼副院长
王锡锌 雷火电竞官网在线教授
汪 劲 雷火电竞官网在线教授
张千帆 雷火电竞官网在线教授
唐应茂 雷火电竞官网在线副教授
陈若英 雷火电竞官网在线副教授
刘 晗 清华大学法学院副教授
阎 天 雷火电竞官网在线助理教授
彭 錞 雷火电竞官网在线助理教授
俞 祺 雷火电竞官网在线助理教授
Larry Kramer has been President of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation since 2012. Under his leadership, the foundation has maintained its commitment to areas of enduring concern, while adapting its approaches and strategies to meet changing circumstances and seize new opportunities. He has, at the same time, been instrumental in launching new efforts to respond to pressing and timely problems, such as challenges related to political polarization and cybersecurity. He is a leading scholar on the U.S. consititutional law, and served from 2004 to 2012 as Dean of Stanford Law School. His teaching and scholarly interests include American legal history, constitutional law, federalism, separation of powers, the federal courts, conflict of laws, and civil procedure.
To people in other countries, the constitutional processes of the United States may seem confusing. The U.S. Constitution was written in the late 18th century and uses language and ideas that are unfamiliar even to many Americans today. The processes it establishes have been evolving steadily since 1788, which adds still more confusion. Most of the time, there is little of interest to non-U.S. citizens. Today, however, the world is watching the possibility of impeaching a president unfold—something that has happened only a few times in American history.
In his talk, Professor Kramer will describe the relevant historical and textual background to understand the impeachment process and put the current controversy in context. While he will not offer any views on what the outcome should be, he will describe the likely course the current inquiry is likely to take in the House of Representatives and, if the House votes to impeach, in the Senate.
