2018年9月19日晚,亚投行总法律办公室机构事务部负责人、我院访问教授Peter Quayle先生在地学楼讲授了2018学年秋季学期“国际组织法”首次课程。
Peter Quayle先生于2016年开始担任亚投行资深法律顾问,并于2017年开始担任我院访问教授,在我院第四次开设国际组织法课程。Peter Quayle先生求学于牛津大学和伦敦大学。Peter Quayle先生曾先后于就职于美国司法部和欧洲复兴开发银行,在国际公法和国际组织法领域有着丰富的实践经验。目前他正在写作国际组织公务员法一书,将由剑桥大学出版社出版。
Peter Quayle先生此次开设的课程主题为Theory and practice of international law: the status and effectiveness of international organizations。该课程总计6次,包括三次老师引导下的小组讨论,具体安排见文末。
此次序言课以“国家为什么合作”为主题,来探讨国际组织的历史和缘起。Peter Quayle先生以独特的视角向同学们展示了维也纳和会以来国际组织从无到有的发生和拓展过程,并以生动有趣的方式引导同学们了解了在西欧跨境河流治理、国际电报通讯等领域的早期国际组织形式。此外,Peter Quayle先生也向同学们简单介绍了国家合作的现实主义、理性主义和理想主义的三种不同理论。最后,在与同学们的讨论的基础上,Peter Quayle先生总结了国际组织的核心特征,包括组织文件、国家成员和法律人格。这得到了同学们的多数赞同。本次序言课为同学们深入了解国际组织法的理念和逻辑奠定了良好的基础。相信在未来五周的学习过程中,同学们都能够受益匪浅。
Course Outline
Seminar 1: Why Cooperate?
A. History of International Organizations
B. Brief Theories of Cooperation
C. What is an ‘International Organization’?
X. Gao and P. Quayle, ‘Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)’, Max Planck Encyclopaedia of Public International Law
N. Lichtenstein, ‘Governance of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in Comparative Context’, AIIB Yearbook of International Law: Good Governance and Modern International Financial Institutions (2018)
Seminar 2: Discussion
B.S. Chimni, ‘International Institutions Today: An Imperial Global State in the Making’, European Journal of International Law (2004)
E. Benvenisti, ‘EJIL Foreword – Upholding Democracy Amid the Challenges of New Technology: What Role for the Law of Global Governance?’, European Journal of International Law (2018)
Seminar 3: Governance and Institutional Structures
A. Typical Institutional Organs and Structures
B. Primary and Subsidiary Organs
C. The Role of Executive Heads
Effect of Awards of Compensation made by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal, International Court of Justice, Advisory Opinion (1954)
Certain Expenses of the United Nations, International Court of Justice, Advisory Opinion (1962)
G. Fiti Sinclair, ‘The International Civil Servant in Theory and Practice: Law, Morality, and Expertise’, European Journal of International Law (2015)
Seminar 4: Discussion
J.K. Gogan, ‘Representation and Power in International Organization: The Operational Constitution and its Critics’, American Journal of International Law (2009)
S. Chesterman, ‘Asia’s Ambivalence about International Law and Institutions: Past, Present and Futures’, European Journal of International Law (2016)
Seminar 5: International Legal Status
A. International Legal Personality and Powers
B. Privileges and Immunities
C. International Civil Service
Reparation for Injuries in the Service of the United Nations, International Court of Justice, Advisory Opinion (1949)
Stichting Mothers of Srebrenica and Others v The Netherlands, European Court of Human Rights, June 2013
Seminar 6: Discussion
A. Orakhelashvili, ‘The Impact of Peremptory Norms on the Interpretation and Application of United Nations Security Council Resolutions’, European Journal of International Law (2005)
M. Koskenniemi, ‘The Police in the Temple – Order, Justice and the UN: A Dialectical View’, European Journal of International Law (1995)