题目:The Love for International Organizations (“爱恨情仇”:国际组织之于国际法律人)
ZOOM ID:830 4187 2057
开讲学者:Jean d’Aspremont (法国巴黎政治学院法学教授、英国曼彻斯特大学法学教授)
评议人:Işıl Aral(土耳其科克大学助理教授)
让·达斯普蒙(Jean d’Aspremont)是法国巴黎政治学院国际法教授,同时兼任英国曼彻斯特大学国际公法教授。他是“剑桥国际法和比较法研究”系列丛书的总编辑,也是“牛津国际组织法”(OXIO)数据库的负责人和“梅兰·席尔国际法研究”系列丛书编辑。他撰写过大量有关国际法问题的文章,作品已经被翻译成多种语言,包括西班牙语、葡萄牙语、俄语、汉语普通话、印地语、日语和波斯语。
Jean d’Aspremont is Professor of International Law at Sciences Po School of Law. He also holds a chair of Public International Law at the University of Manchester. He is General Editor of the Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law,Director of Oxford International Organizations (OXIO) and series editor of the Melland Schill Studies in International Law. He has written extensively on questions of international law. His work has been translated in several languages including Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Japanese and Persian.
Albeit the object of compelling criticisms in recent decades, international organizations continue to occupy a very central place in the practical, conceptual, cognitive, imaginary, and emotional universe of international lawyers. This presentation argues that the resilient centrality of international organizations in international legal thought and practice is the manifestation of international lawyers’ love for such institutions. This presentation’s main aim is to provide an account of the drivers that inform international lawyers’ love for international organizations with a view to elucidating what lies behind the centrality of international organizations in international legal thought and practice. Among the drivers of international lawyers’ love for international organizations, attention is paid to their representations as taking care of people, as showing where to look for power, as knowing so much, as romanticizing history, as providing a shared standard of experience, as textualizing the universe, as providing and organizing space for discontent, as expanding international lawyers’ field of study, and as holding many secrets.