The EU and the Pandemic (Ⅰ)
时间:2020 年 10 月 22 日(周四)16:00-18:00
腾讯会议 ID:603 791 582
The EU and the Pandemic (Ⅱ)
时间:2020 年 10 月 23 日(周五)16:00-18:00
腾讯会议 ID:652 822 197
Paul Craig
Paul Craig 是享誉全球的行政法和欧盟法专家。他拥有牛津大学伍斯特学院法学本科及硕士学位,曾在牛津大学教授宪法课程,也曾在印第安纳大学伯明顿分校和墨尔本大学开设行政法、欧盟法相关课程。
Paul Craig is the Emeritus Professor of English Law at the University of Oxford. Craig is a specialist in Administrative and EU Law. He was educated at Worcester College, Oxford, where he took his MA and BCL. He stayed at Worcester, and was made a Fellow in 1976. He is the author of a number of legal textbooks, the most well-known of which (EU Law: Text, Cases and Materials) was published in its 5th edition by Oxford University Press in September 2011. Some of his other publications include The Lisbon Treaty: Law, Politics and Treaty Reform, and EU Administrative Law. He lectured in Constitutional Law at the University of Oxford, taught Administrative Law and European Union Law at Indiana University - Bloomington, and a Masters Course at the University of Melbourne, Australia.
When the spread of COVID-19 was recognized as a pandemic, no single nation could be prepared if other nations remain unprepared. Cooperation between countries is the only right choice. As a normalized and institutionalized existence of such regional cooperation, the EU made efforts in several areas ranging from health to macro-economy. There were numerous EU health initiative, such as EU funding to support the healthcare systems of EU countries and measures to increase production of personal protective equipment. There were economic initiatives, such as temporary state aid rules so that governments could provide assistance to firms, and the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) for Member States most affected by the pandemic. These efforts have been effective but still seem insufficient. Therefore, further reforms to make the EU more adaptable to public health emergencies should be on the agenda. In addition to effectiveness, the EU’s actions during the crisis may also encounter the problem of legitimacy. Thus, the EU must act within the limits of its competence, and within the political constraints of what Member States are willing to accept.
In a sense, we care about the EU because of our concerns over the possibility of deeper cooperation between sovereign states. Today we’re facing an increasing number of global crises and challenges that require cooperation between countries, and the COVID-19 pandemic is just one of them. In this light, it is ever more important to understand the successes and lessons of the EU coping with the pandemic.
