为进一步加强法学院国际化建设,提高法科学生国际化水平,学院特邀国际知名学者及法律实务专家开设“Global & Comparative Law”系列课程。2014年秋季学期第一期系列课程,包括三门课程,分别为雷火电竞官网在线校友、美国世达律师事务所律师刘骁律师主讲的“美国民事诉讼导论”,美国康奈尔大学法学院院长Professor Stewart J. Schwab开设的“法律的经济分析”,以及美国贝克麦坚时律师事务所资深律师Preston M. Torbert主讲的“双语合同起草中的语义模糊问题”。(课程详情如下)
对课程感兴趣的同学,将报名表(见附件一)及报名统计表(见附件二)以附件形式于2014年9月12日18:00前发送至pkulaweao@126.com,邮件主题及附件名称为:Global & Comparative Law +申请人姓名+学号。收到报名成功的邮件后,将纸质报名表于9月15日17:00前交至法学院对外事务办公室。学院将根据申请人提交的材料进行选拔,确定最终学生名单。
报名截止时间: 2014年9月12日18:00前(电子版)
刘骁 美国SKADDEN律师事务所律师
2002-2006年就读于北大法学院并取得法学学士学位,2007年取得英国剑桥大学法学硕士学位(LLM),2010年取得美国哈佛大学法律博士学位(JD)。2008年,刘骁在美国哥伦比亚特区联邦地区法院实习,协助Rosemary M. Collyer法官审理多起跨国诉讼并起草判决意见;2011年,在最高人民法院民四庭实习。刘骁曾在美国Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP律师事务所的纽约办公室进行证券诉讼执业;自去年8月份起在美国世达律师事务所的北京办公室工作,专门处理涉及亚洲公司的美国民事诉讼和政府调查。他曾处理过很多高知名度的诉讼案件,有美国民事诉讼每一个环节的实践经验。在校期间,他还参加了多项模拟法庭比赛,在2006年的杰赛普国际法模拟法庭中赢得中国冠军和最佳辩手第一名等奖项,并在维也纳的Vis模拟仲裁比赛中作为辩手获得荣誉提名。刘骁曾多次回母校北大进行讲座,包括为白桂梅老师的国际公法课程进行讲座,并和白桂梅老师一同编写了《人权法教学参考资料选编》(白桂梅、刘骁编,雷火电竞官网在线出版社,2012年)。
语义模糊会造成合同内容的不确定性,增加交易的法律风险。在法律实践中,因合同文本中存在语义模糊问题而导致当事人巨大损失的案例屡见不鲜。“双语合同起草中的问题之语义模糊”课程是一门实践性较强的课程,旨在让学生学习如何避免合同起草过程中的语义模糊问题。主讲人美国贝克麦坚时资深律师Preston M. Torbert多年来从事法律实务,并培训了大批中国初级律师和法律助理,积累了大量的教学素材。主讲人对实践中经常出现的语义模糊问题进行了类型化总结,结合具体合同文本,为同学提供专业的合同文本起草方法。
The main features of this course are:
1. Students will learn some extremely useful tools for analyzing and drafting contracts. They will acquire them by an inductive process of reviewing many examples of ambiguity from case law, eminent legal scholars, and the professor’s practice. They will learn to identify and eliminate ambiguity in drafting contracts, including bilingual contracts. These tools are the creation of the professor and will give PKU students unique practical skills that no other Chinese or American law students (except the professor’s prior students) have.
2. The course materials come from the in-house seminars for Chinese associates and paralegals that the professor conducted for many years as a partner at Baker & McKenzie and that established the profession’s best practices for Chinese-English bilingual contracts.
3. The historical examples of ambiguity in this course are of human, as well as legal, interest. They show that ambiguity can lead to the hanging of an individual for piracy or treason, a damages award of more than U.S. $10 billion, and even a change in the course of World War II.
4. The course facilitates student learning. At the beginning of each class, an audience response system (called “clickers”) provides students immediate, comparative, and anonymous feedback on their understanding of the reading assignment. The course also allows each student to see what he or she has learned in the course by comparing his or her analysis of a specific contract for the first class and for the last class. This contract analysis, like the final exam, gives each student the experience of a practicing lawyer reviewing a contract.

Preston M. Torbert Senior Counsel at Baker & McKenzie’s Chicago office
Preston M. Torbert is Senior Counsel at Baker & McKenzie LLP’s Chicago office. Since 1979 he has focused primarily on the drafting and negotiation of equity and cooperative joint venture contracts, the establishment of wholly foreign-owned enterprises in China, and related compliance issues. He has worked on behalf of a broad range of clients that include the largest U.S. multinationals as well as medium- and small-sized companies. He is a Lecturer in Law at the Law School and an Associate of the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Chicago. Mr. Torbert also serves as Adjunct Faculty at the Peking University School of Transnational Law and has lectured numerous times on legal subjects in China. He has made dozens of presentations about China in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
Mr. Torbert is a member of the Chicago Bar Association and the American Bar Association. He has served for three years as co-chair of the People's Republic of China Law Committee of the ABA's Section of International Law and Practice. He has also served as chair of the International Law Committee of the Chicago Bar Association.
美国康奈尔大学 “法律的经济分析”课程
“法律的经济分析”是一门两学分课程,由美国康奈尔大学法学院院长Stewart J. Schwab 教授讲授,旨在从经济学的角度对法律进行探究。课程内容涉及六大主题:
1. Law & Economics Method
2. The Coase Theorem
3. Critiques of the Coase Theorem
4. Basic Applications
5. Refining the Models
6. Efficiency, Fairness, & Morality

Professor Stewart J. Schwab was appointed as the Allan R. Tessler Dean of Cornell Law School on January 1, 2004. He has been a member of the Cornell Law School faculty since 1983. A native of North Carolina, he obtained his J.D. as well as a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan. After Law School, Dean Schwab clerked for Judge Phillips of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, and then for Justice Sandra Day O‘Connor of the U.S. Supreme Court. Dean Schwab obtained his bachelor and master degrees on economics before studying law in University of Michigan Law School where he got his JD. Dean Schwab is a leading scholar in economic analysis of law and in employment law. He is currently a Reporter for the American Law Institute’s Restatement of Employment Law, and in 2008 was named by Human Resource Executive as one of the 50 most powerful employment attorneys in America. Professor Schwab is a popular teacher, having taught many courses in the curriculum, including Torts, Contracts, Corporations, Employment Law, Labor Law, and Empirical Legal Studies, among others.